Automotive Restoration
The Automotive Restoration Factory is the home of Factory Coating, Factory Construct, and Dry Ice Restoration, three high-end services that combine mechanical expertise with precision - all backed up by our legendary first-rate customer service.
Located near Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
Factory Coating
The first name in coatings; from ceramic, high-temperature, heat-dissipating, powder coating, anodising, zinc plating, dry blasting, and suspension coating.
Specialist coatings for all engine and suspension components.
Factory Construct
Between our staff we have over 40 years of mechanical experience - this is where we differ from other companies!
Factory construct is the build side to our services; from suspension servicing to engine builds, rebuilds, and parts acquisition.
Dry Ice Restoration
Automotive dry ice restoration offers efficient paint stripping and cleaning, reducing environmental impact and maintaining surface finishes.
It preserves vehicle integrity, ensuring a safer, faster, and eco-friendly restoration process for optimal results.